Daily Archives: December 11, 2006

‘Dollar’ Bill’s Cold Cash Club tees: Wear ’em nowbefore all your fashion choices are day-glo orange

WHO NEEDS BANKS? Do like Louisiana’s finest public servants and keep your extra cash on ice!

“Dollar” Bill’s Cold Cash Club (listed, Nigerian Stock Exchange) is here to promote the simplicity and joy of keeping your money in your freezer!

Think of it! No bank fees.

* No having to get in the car and drive to an ATM.

* No ATM fees!

* No check fees!

* No service fees!

* NO BANK BUSYBODIES blabbing to the IRS — or the Justice Department — about your “frozen” assets!

Well, then! Now you can help us promote the cause of financial freedom by buying one of our “Dollar” Bill’s Cold Cash Club tees! Rest assured that your money will be safe with us.

Right between the ribeye steak and the frozen corn.